Keep the cold where it belongs this winter – outside! Ray Sands Glass is here to make sure your home is winter-ready. Did you know? 50% or more of heat loss occurs through leaky windows and doors.

Weatherize Your Home Windows

  • Weatherstripping – Older windows may have worn out weather stripping and need replacing. Do you have a draft at your window? Is your window 10 years or older?
  • Caulk – Is the caulk cracked or loose? Did you check the outside of the windows?
  • Insulated Units – Do you have moisture trapped between them, causing a seal loss? Are your windows cracked?
  • Window Film – Did you know installing window film can increase the insulation factor of glass? This can keep you warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer.

Weatherize Your Home Doors

  • Storm doors – Do you have a storm door? Did you know that energy efficiency can increase by 45%? It seas drafts reduces airflow, and gives an extra layer of protection by putting a buffer between you and the winter cold.
  • Older Storm Doors/ Doors – Are your seals worn out, cracked, or missing? Is the door sweep on the bottom worn out?
  • Caulk – Just like windows needs to be periodically checked and re-caulked.

Other Tips

  • Change ceiling fans to rotate clockwise
  • Clean Windows
  • Clean your gutters
  • Check/clean/replace central heating filters
  • Flush your water heater
  • Check smoke detector and carbon dioxide batteries

Let our glass experts at Ray Sands Glass come out and weatherize your home with new seals, caulk, tint, etc., allowing you to save money. A warm house is a happy house.