Every home or business has windows, but not all windows are designed to improve the lives of the people in it. Every home and business owner should know about solar window film. Did you know, solar window film will block up to 99.9 % of the harmful ultraviolet rays from entering your home. But, in doing so, solar film also brings a few more pretty awesome perks.

#1 Lower Heating & Cooling Bills!

Lake House and Store Front

Windows play a crucial role in regulating the A/C and heat in your home. When you add solar window film, you reduce the amount of air that seeps out during the scorching summer months and you will stay warmer in the frigid depths of our beautiful northern winters too. Solar Film will help lower your utility bills.

2. Diminish Screen Glare

If you are like most people, you want to throw open your shades and blinds on beautiful, sunny days and let the sunlight in. you may have experienced that this can often create glares on your television, computers, and other screens making it impossible to work or relax. Installing solar window film can significantly reduce the glare. So, you can enjoy your indoor activities and sunshine at the same time.

3. Inexpensive, Esthetically Pleasing Update

There are a few different types of window treatments capable of blocking out some ultraviolet rays, but you will discover that solar window film is typically the least expensive and most efficient. A professional installation is still the best low-cost option to ensure the project is completed and installed expertly.

Today’s window films come in beautiful new shades to compliment brick and stone as well applications that are unnoticeable. Improve curb appeal and upgrade to a professional exterior.

If you want beautiful, affordable, energy-efficient windows, contact the most experienced technicians about solar window film. Call Ray Sands Glass today! You can schedule a free consultation by calling (585-889-2876), or visit their website to learn more about window film services.